Axolotls can be called the “Mexican walking fish,” but so much farther from that, they happen to be a pretty intriguing species of amphibian, which spends most of its life in water. These animals live in lakes and canals just near Mexico City, and the peculiarity of these amphibians is that they can spend their whole lifespan in the larval stage. Although axolotls are amphibians, they have not been adapted to living long outside of water. A person owns or cares for an unusual animal whose biology and needs for habitat are known.

Axolotls’ Biology and Water Dependence

These are wholly aquatic amphibians. These animals never experience a complete metamorphosis to life on land. Axolotls get their oxygen from water through gills in their bodies but still breathe air through their lungs, like no other living animal mostly does.

Its gill apparatus is feathery projecting from the sides of the head, so they are pretty effective means for extracting oxygen from the water. When they emerge out of the water though, those gills will do no good, they will depend on their lungs which may carry them for only such a long period of time.

For how long an axolotl may remain outside of its native aquatic world?

Axolotls will not survive more than an hour in any form of air-conditioning or weather unless it is submerged under some wet. Axolotls like high levels of wet moisture. Axolotl skin is extremely, almost nonexistent so thin that it dries fast since any lack of the watery conditions for axolotl results in death by a condition known as death by dehydration condition.

According to their skin status, temperature and humidity level; they survive for several hours without getting water, for instance when in dry state so is bad time for them when testing the limit.

Why Axolotls Are Supposed To Stay Wet?

Axolotls Need life under water for survival or wellbeing. Why axolotls need water gives it such reasons:

Oxygen uptake

Axolotls are breathing gills. Once an axolotl dries up, the axolotl will face difficulties in sucking much oxygen; thus it will suffocate.

Skin protection to moisture

Axolotls have a porous skin, thus it is liable to absorb water and oxygen. Axolotls on dry land become dry and so axolotl skin prone to infection and dehydration.

Reduces stress

Axolotls will stress if left to dry for such a long period. Its prolonged duration may cause severe health conditions or even death in your axolotl.

What If Your Axolotl Comes Out of Water?

Well, it is just possible that sometimes your axolotl will jump out of its tank when the accident happened. It is for the reason and how to handle and keep them safe after accident includes the following:

Apply Wet, Clean Hands When Handling Them: This keeps them from hurting their own skin.

Place Them back in Water: Return it to its aquarium. Make sure clean and at right temperature in water.

Observe Their Behavior: Watch for signs of stress or injury. If they appear to be lethargic or having trouble breathing, refer them to an amphibian-experienced veterinarian.

Establishing a Safe Axolotl Environment

Ensure the habitat for axolotls is safe and comfortable enough to not jump out of the water. Some of the tips that will make it safe for them include:

A secure lid

Axolotls are quite violent jumpers, especially when they get frightened. The tight lided top of the tank will keep them within the tank.

Maintain Parameters Desired in Water

Axolotls require clean cold water with minimal currents. This would be calculated as the level of parameters required in the water is between 60-64°F or 16-18°C that would cause low levels of stress.

Hiding places

Axolotls love building their aquascape and hiding within the caves or plants in the aquarium to help them stay familiar and avoid possibilities of leaping out of the water.


Axolotls are very beautiful creatures, but they must live in the water to be alive. They survive for some time living short periods on dry land, though it’s never safe nor recommendable to keep them this way since their delicate biology requires constant water supply for respiration purposes, hydration, and other less stressful conditions. Only a great owner or an excellent admirer of such extremely fascinating amphibians, knowing what is necessary for an axolotl and making it have a suitable condition to exist, will make these little beings spend their entire lives healthy and happy.


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