Bird keeping has always raised several questions from the many bird enthusiasts about birds of various species under one roof. Some of the most asked may be: “Can you put parakeets and cockatiels in the same cage?” It has to do with the temperaments, space, or care required by the birds. Although parakeets and cockatiels are one of the most popular birds kept in homes, there are certain differences related to their behavior, social needs, and environmental preferences. The article will be talking about whether it is possible to keep a parakeet and a cockatiel in one cage and also making some recommendations on how peacefully to coexist.

Knowing Parakeets and Cockatiels

These two species must not be housed together in one cage until distinct features of both of them are documented and prior to making final decisions.


The budgerigar, or parakeets, are small-colored parrots. These are counted among the favorite pet birds because they are playful and social birds. Such birds would be very active and also inquisitive birds; they also enjoy the company with birds or human beings. The bird may turn very noisy, a pretty excited time flying about, playing with toys and all lots of interaction. 


Parakeets are quite smaller in size compared to cockatiels, and the latter species of parrot are quiet and gentle. Cockatiels are fond of their masters and comparatively loving too. Parakeets are social birds but more noisy compared to cockatiels. They love their association, but they never think that they are restless, and they spend most of their life in a quiet environment. They enjoy their toys too, though.

Can Parakeets and Cockatiels Live Together?

Parakeets and cockatiels can share the same cage. However, it is a very important decision and preparation. There are some of the issues considered before one determines whether or not they can share a cage with another. Space and Cage Size

Space and Cage Size

Main focus will be the space between species of birds in a cage. Parakeets and cockatiels are supposed to be quite much bigger so that birds will have a place to walk around and play. Secondly, each is supposed to have its territory. For this reason, the cage should comfortably host both birds. More population, more likelihood to stress birds. Stress could make them to start exhibiting territorial behavior or aggressiveness.

A communal cage would hold several perches, food and water bowls and toys. The perches are expected in such a way that neither of the birds feels confined to move about inside it. The cage shall be of such a height that its inmates could fly up or down along its length and across its breadth. Both these species like flying.

Temperament and Behaviour

Generally, parakeets and cockatiels get on well with each other. But whether they can share a cage would depend much on the nature of the birds. Generally, a parakeet is playfully noisy, whereas a cockatiel is generally a reclusive bird; therefore, he may easily be upset should there be noise.

If the parakeet is very aggressive or territorial then it would disturb the peace of the cockatiel which may again provoke a fight between both the birds. Or the cockatiels are a bit weak and sometimes this weakness would fight against the dynamism of a parakeet. However, its counterpart needs attention so no one out of both feels that there is some kind of interference from existence and action on others presence.

Gender and Age

A bird can coexist based on its age and sex. This is because birds of the same gender are easier to introduce together because birds of the other gender will breed and end up causing aggression or even territorial fighting. Younger birds will be easy to group because it would not have developed such territorial behavior.

Socialization and Training

The parakeet and cockatiel, even though they are social birds, will work out after some time of slow, careful introduction. If your parakeet and your cockatiel are accustomed to very human interaction, then at first, they are much likely to tolerate each other. They keep the sudden aggression and territorial behavior at bay if they kept in view of each other from separate cages.

How to create a communal cage for parakeets and cockatiels?

If you have both parakeets and cockatiels, then this is how you should treat their harmonious coexistence.

Choose a large cage: The same case space is so important. Get a large cage in which your parakeets will stretch comfortably. Also, take one with narrower bars. Parakeets have to run up the length of such wide bars; this means that their escape has to be ruled out at this instance.

Other varying heights and sizes of perches: These will offer different heights of perches together with varying sizes. Hence, with these, several birds will utilize a perch where they feel comfortable enough, hence avoiding the conflict of territory.

Feeding stations: As much food and water dispenser must be given to let there be much lesser competition in them. It also helps for letting no one bird in dominating the source of its food that normally causes stress or hostility among it.

Toys and Games: One can set up a set of toys like bells, mirrors and climbing structures for parakeets and cockatiel. The two are slightly different. Both will be mentally enjoying in playing with the toys they will not get bored shortly.

This is managed interaction: how your parakeet and cockatiel ought to be. The association of these birds needs to be well monitored as even little stress, aggression, and fear may come out. When one of the birds starts showing some form of stress, separation between the birds ought to be enacted while trying to reunite them after some time apart has been spent.

Possible Hazards and Problems

It is possible to raise parakeets and cockatiels together without a problem but, of course, involves risks as well as certain challenges that might be encountered

Aggression: The bird will develop aggression when it feels its space has been invaded or when it becomes territorial. Cockatiels are laid back, but sometimes get aggressive.

Health Issues: It all depends on the species; birds carry all sorts of other species-related diseases. Each one needs a healthy bird to use and test on for potential avian illnesses, hence both must see an avian vet.

Noise: Parakeets make a lot of noise, which is stressful for a sensitive cockatiel. The comfort conditions of the cage in this case should ensure the freedom of both the birds without causing any form of stress on their case.


Both parakeets and cockatiels can live together when its cage is big enough. Or even they could comfortably stay in one cage as long as an efficient introduction has been carried. Something pretty key is to watch them play together and ensure they have the room and the necessities so that they do not fight with each other. It can be very peaceful and entertaining for both birds to learn each of their needs and personalities. Just remember, though, each bird is different and nice to remind yourself how much their ability to get along varies.


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