Do Bearded Dragons Know They’re Big?

Bearded dragons are quite strange reptiles with their friendly nature and bizarre behavior. Many owners ask if this creature knows how small it is compared to the world in which it lives. Reptiles like bearded dragons never have a mammalian form of reasoning, but one can learn from their behavior and instincts about how they perceive their surroundings.

Understanding Bearded Dragon Behavior

Bearded dragons are instinctual animals, that is, thinking ones. This is because survival is their paramount focus and includes searching for food, evading predators, and setting up territory. Their size has taken on a key role in its interaction with the environment and the other animals.

When a bearded dragon puffs out its beard or flattens its body, it gives the illusion that it is larger. These defensive postures may indicate some level of how their size can be used to ward off threats. Of course, this doesn’t mean they “know” they are big in the human sense of size. However, it does show an instinctual sense that size can be an asset.

Territorialism and Dominance

Bearded dragons are territorial in the wild, and they protect their territories. Most cases of this sort have the dominant individual based on size. The larger dragons will typically demand respect from the smaller dragons, which in most instances forces the smaller dragons to retreat and avoid the confrontation. This implies that bearded dragons are aware of their sizes relative to one another, which is indirectly connected to an awareness of their sizes.

In their terrestrial habit, the males are amongst the territorial bearded dragons showing dominance or submission with head bobbing and waving arm gestures. This fact attests that they are really conscious of their bodies and even can put them for applications in social interactions.

Interacting with Humans

The interaction of man with a bearded dragon points to an appreciation of size. Generally, bearded dragons are docile and laid-back, and people mostly choose them as pets because they are calm. A bearded dragon is supposed to inflate itself if it finds itself threatened by the approach of a hand or other unknown object looming above it for that matter. This would show an instinctive reaction toward perceived size differences.

While there are safe and secure looking dragons which can reach to their owner with confidence without any issue, trusting him. Regarding this, all these characters specify that even if bearded dragons do not “know” how long or tall they are cognitively they can be alert to any threats and may act following to them.

Are Bearded Dragons Self-Aware?

One of the most deep-rooted features of size is the self-recognition. While most mammals are not very self-conscious, reptiles like bearded dragons just do not know themselves in a mirror. What they do is take some other dragon for their picture in the mirror.

This lack of self-awareness is such that although they are responding to changes in other creatures’ size, perhaps they may not even have an instinctive feeling about size. Instead, it seems to act instinctively on environmental conditions.

How Bearded Dragons View Their Environment?

Excellent eye-sight, bearded dragons can see shapes and movements along with the colors of objects surrounding them through which they detect the predators, food, and orientation in the surroundings.

Their sense of scale is therefore more practical than thoughtful. To explain, a beardie would decide if it would fit into a hole or if prey was small enough to consume. Such decision would be practical rather than reflective meaning they act on the spur of the moment and are not aware of their own size.


Though bearded dragons do not “know” they are large in the way humans perceive size, their behaviors reflect an instinctual sense of how size affects their survival and interactions. From puffing out their beards to asserting dominance in territorial disputes, these reptiles show that size is something that plays a huge role in their lives. However, it is an instinctive understanding rather than one based on conscious thought.


1. Why do bearded dragons inflate their beards?

Bearded dragons inflate their beards to convey the message that they seem huge and threatening to their competitors.

2. Does the bearded dragon recognize his owner?

A bearded dragon might recall his owner based on the pattern of consistent interaction and even food patterns.

3. Are the bearded dragons conscious?

Bearded dragons do not display self-awareness. That is, bearded dragons do not know what a reflection is in mirrors or reflectors.

4. How strong is the perception of the threats by the bearded dragons?

These dragons base their judgment over threats from what they perceive by seeing and instincts with reactions of size, movement, and unfamiliar things.

 5. Do the bearded dragons also feel?

Bearded dragons, for stress, comfort, or even contentment, do indeed express basic emotions but way less complex than those expressed by mammals.


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